Put on God's   Armor

Put on God's Armor

What do you do to get ready for your day? Some women prepare by putting on make-up. Studies have shown that most of us wear make-up to camouflage their flaws and/or to feel more confident, assertive, and attractive. Cosmetics act like a shield by hiding our imperfections and flaws, but of course it doesn’t mask our character flaws.

Make-up, however useful, is not the best armor to enable us to face the challenges of our day. It will not help us resist temptations or make wise choices. It won’t push away bad thoughts or inspire charitable ones, but there an armor that over time will do all of that and more.

In Ephesians 6:10-18, the armor of God is described. Truth, righteousness, and a readiness that comes from knowing the gospel are the armor of God. Faith is our shield, salvation keeps our head safe, and the word of God is our sword.

Putting on the armor of God by saying morning prayers and reading the verses for the day is a way to prepare yourself for whatever will come, but this is harder than it sounds. Distractions, last minute rushes, and forgetfulness prevent us from spending those few minutes.

Would you leave the house with only one shoe on? You know you wouldn’t. Make prayer and scripture time so much a part of your morning that it’s like putting on both shoes. Those few minutes of quiet with God will help you climb spiritual mountains.


Forged and Woven are on Sale!

Forged and Woven are on Sale!

