Fr. Hopko’s 55 Maxims 

Fr. Hopko’s 55 Maxims 

Our seminary apartment is small and cozy. Hanging above our kitchen table are three things–two icons painted by my husband in the Romanian folk style, and the 55 Maxims of Fr. Thomas Hopko, in beautiful calligraphy, surrounded by bright florals. Often, I forget that they are there. But sometimes, sitting at the table, when there is a lull in the conversation, I turn to look at them. Often one of the maxims will strike me, and I find myself grateful for the reminder that came to me in the silence. 

Each maxim is succinct and powerful, a reminder of how we are to live a Christian life. I want these maxims to come to mind throughout the day. 

I want to ask Christ to enlighten me through prayerfully meditating on Fr. Hopko’s 55 Maxims. I plan to begin a project in which I will meditate on one maxim at a time for a few weeks, and then share my reflections. I hope you will join me on this journey! 

Pray for me, because the first on the list may perhaps be the most daunting: “Be always with Christ, and trust God in everything.” 

Read the 55 Maxims here

Listen to Fr. Thomas of blessed memory read his maxims here.

Find the beautiful print of the maxims here.

Be Always with Christ

Be Always with Christ

Finding God in the Journey of Theosis

Finding God in the Journey of Theosis